Local Business Outreach

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21 thoughts on “Local Business Outreach”

  1. Man, I need your mentoring! I’ve been struggling at SEO Agency for past 4 years and only have 2 clients at $125/month

  2. I’ve lost all my clients running an FB ads agency. FB ads are not as good as these gurus make out. Like you said in the video I was focusing on getting clients and not the service may get into SEO instead.

  3. Been contemplating a ssma for a while. Your content has sealed the deal. I’m going to redo my existing site and get it ranked then get a new site outta the sandbox using your over the shoulder strategies. Keep up the good work

  4. I’ve had my moving company 2.5 years now, stuck at 30-40k per month for the last year. Finally, breaking through, biggest tip I can give you is “strategic partnerships”. Wish you the best. I feel like its the “hire another op manager” stage which means you have to hold down the GM and op position together until you hire 2 op managers which is expensive. Of course our business is different than yours but the matrix model is very useful and scalable for most industries. Strategic partnerships give you new flows of streamlined business that take less resources to manage while increasing your net for that new management hiring cost. At least that’s my theory and its working. #abundance vs #scarcity – take the L while you expand and eat that $100k up my friend.


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